A simple neural net in numpy

Posted on Tue 20 March 2018 in Basics • Tagged with Neural Net, Back Propagation

Now that we have seen how to build a neural net in pytorch, let's try to take it a step further and try to do the same thing in numpy.

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A Neural Net In Pytorch

Posted on Fri 16 March 2018 in Basics • Tagged with Neural net, Pytorch, Deep learning

The theory is all really nice, but let's actually build a neural net and train it! We'll see how a simple neural net with one hidden layer can learn to recognize digits very efficiently.

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What Is Deep Learning?

Posted on Tue 13 March 2018 in Basics • Tagged with Neural Net, SGD, Deep Learning

What is deep learning? It's a class of algorithms where you train something called a neural net to complete a specific task. Let's begin with a general overview and we will dig into the details in subsequent articles.

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